Managed to finish drawing # 5
I know I was a bit downtrodden in my last post. I will be more positive with all my future blogs and updates. Anyway, I did finish the piece I was fretting about in that last post. I was quite worried I was going to mess it up as when I was doing it I was really questioning the decision of my hatching in the tree branch area. It came out ok though. I think it works and I didn’t over do it, which is quite easy to do for me! I am calling this piece: Mytholl’s Winter. You can find the view right off the Appalachian trail on the other side of the river from Duncannon, PA, going up the mountain.
As I was working on uploading these to my website, I realized I never did upload my other piece for the series, Union of Tsurdya! This is an interesting tree I found hiking in Cook Forest State Park over the summer. The tree is growing right ontop of this boulder. Quite the union of the two, hence the name of my piece.
One more piece left in this series! I know I will bang it out. I have some great imagery to choose from and I am excited to work on it. That’s all for now. See you on the next one.